Trade Graveyards
$0.25Direct Spell
Trade graveyards with an opponent.
Artist:Evan Sprinkle
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Showing 127–144 of 144 results
Direct Spell
Pick a warrior level 15 or lower. He becomes this animal.
When this curse is discarded, shuffle it into your library.
Artist:Michelle Ferguson
Direct Spell
Pick a warrior level 20 or lower. He becomes this animal. When this curse is discarded, shuffle it into your library.
Artist:Michelle Ferguson
Direct Spell
Pick the biggest warrior on the table. He is now a level 15 animal. If the cursed warrior leaves play or he dies because his army lost a battle, place this curse on the next biggest warrior on the table.
Artist:Michelle Ferguson
Direct Spell
Pick a warrior level 15 or lower.
He becomes this animal.
When this curse is discarded, shuffle it into your library.
Artist:Michelle Ferguson
Direct Spell
You can hold 4 spells in your casting hand, but you can cast only 3. Discard the 4th unused spell.
Artist:Zach Raw
Direct Spell
(N.A.) Death by Light:
Kill all warriors in opposing armies that have the same level as this warrior.
Artist:Alex Kosakowski
Direct Spell
Pick an army. Shuffle all warriors level 10 or lower into that army’s barracks. Replace each warrior with one from the army’s graveyard that is level 11 or higher (your choice). The warriors that come from the graveyard become realm warriors.
Artist:Evan Sprinkle
Direct Spell
(N.A.) Underworld Eyes:
For every clan leader on the table, draw 3 warriors from your graveyard. They become realm warriors.
Artist:Evan Sprinkle
Direct Spell
The onwer of this warrior must sacrifice this warrior if he plays a direct spell.
Artist:Deann Stone
Direct Spell
Army Blessing:
Pick a clan.
Every warrior in that army turns into that clan.
Direct Spell
For every 3 warriors you sacrifice, kill 1 warrior level 30 or higher.
Artist:Deann Stone
Direct Spell
If this warrior dies during spell phase 1 or 2, the player that cast this spell picks and kills 2 warriors level 15 or lower and places them in his graveyard.
Artist:Evan Sprinkle
Direct Spell
Choose 3 of your warriors and 3 enemy warriors that are level 15 or lower. Trade them.
Artist:Evan Sprinkle
Direct Spell
Retrieve 1 spell from your library or burnt pile and place it in your spell log.
Artist:Michelle Ferguson
Direct Spell
Any Clan
Kill a warrior on the table. Replace him with this warrior. The owner of the dead warrior now owns this warrior.
Level 30
Artist:Evan Sprinkle