$0.25Direct Spell
Destroy 1 curse or blessing.
Artist:Deann Stone
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Subtotal: $2.00
Showing 91–108 of 144 results
Direct Spell
Pick a clan group.
Shenran and each warrior in the group dice battle.
Artist:Zach Raw
Direct Spell
Roll a die. The number rolled is the number of hidden spells you may destroy.
Artist:Zach Raw
Direct Spell
One warrior must subtract his level twice from his army.
Artist:Michelle Ferguson
Direct Spell
Clan Curse:
Subtract -30 from this clan group.
When this curse is discarded, shuffle it back into your library.
Artist:Zach Raw
Direct Spell
All realm warriors on the table gain +10.
Artist:Evan Sprinkle
Direct Spell
Pick an opponent and steal the top 2 spells from his library.
Artist:Evan Sprinkle
Direct Spell
Steal 1 building or 1 face down hidden spell.
Artist:Evan Sprinkle
Direct Spell
Pick 2 warriors level 20 or lower and place them under this card.
They become a level 15 warrior with no clan or abilities. If this curse is removed, the 2 warriors return to normal.
Level: 15
Artist:Zach Raw
Direct Spell
Pick a clan group.
Flip a coin for each warrior in the group.
Heads = Shuffle the warrior into your barracks.
Tails = Shuffle the warrior into the opponent’s barracks.
Artist:Evan Sprinkle
Direct Spell
Pick a clan group. Roll a die for each warrior in that group. When you roll a 5 or 6, steal that warrior.
Artist:Zach Sweeden
Direct Spell
(N.A.) Soul Combat:
Pick 1 warrior for single combat.
Both warriors roll a die and add the number to their levels. Highest number wins.
You win: kill and place the loser under this card and add his level to this warrior.
You lose: subtract -10 from this warrior. When this blessing is discarded, all the warriors under it go to your graveyard.
Artist:Evan Sprinkle
Direct Spell
Curse: -15
When this curse is discarded, shuffle it into your library.
Artist:Evan Sprinkle
Direct Spell
Blessing: +30
When this blessing is discarded, shuffle it into your library.
Artist:Evan Sprinkle
Direct Spell
(N.A.) Stabby Time:
Roll a die. The number rolled is how many warriors you kill that have an equal or lower level than this warrior.
Artist:Evan Sprinkle
Direct Spell
Army Curse:
This army can only draw warriors during their reinforcement phase.
If this curse will be discarded, you may sacrifice 2 warriors to keep it on the table.
Artist:Deann Stone
Direct Spell
Pick your barracks or graveyard and draw 5 warriors from it.
Pick 2 to play, then shuffle the rest back into the corresponding deck.
Artist:Zach Raw
Subtotal: $2.00