Wanna Trade
$0.50Direct Spell
Choose 3 of your warriors and 3 enemy warriors that are level 15 or lower. Trade them.
Artist:Evan Sprinkle
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Showing 361–370 of 370 results
Direct Spell
Choose 3 of your warriors and 3 enemy warriors that are level 15 or lower. Trade them.
Artist:Evan Sprinkle
Hidden Spell
Activation Time: Spell phase 1 or 2.
Pick 2 warriors in the same army that are the same level. Place them on this card. They become the warrior on top. If this curse is destroyed, both warriors go back to normal.
Artist:Zach Raw
Direct Spell
Retrieve 1 spell from your library or burnt pile and place it in your spell log.
Artist:Michelle Ferguson
Hidden Spell
Activation Time: Reinforcement phase.
When you win a battle, draw 2 extra warriors from your barracks.
Any time you win a dice roll or coin toss, draw 1 warrior from your barracks.
Artist:Michelle Ferguson
Hidden Spell
Interrupt a direct or world spell.
Flip a coin.
Heads = You counter and steal this spell. Place it in your spell log.
Tails = The spell is successful, but you draw 1 warrior from your graveyard.
Artist:Deann Stone
Conjure Spell
Any Clan
Conjure: Sacrifice 1 warrior and shuffle 1 warrior into your barracks.
(Summoner Phase) Summon Warrior:
Draw 1 warrior from your barracks or graveyard.
Level 4
Artist:Evan Sprinkle
Direct Spell
Any Clan
Kill a warrior on the table. Replace him with this warrior. The owner of the dead warrior now owns this warrior.
Level 30
Artist:Evan Sprinkle
Conjure Spell
Any Clan
Conjure: Set aside your entire army. Draw from your graveyard to match the number of warriors in 1 enemy army (or as cloase as you can get). Then sacrifice your army that is set aside.
Level 50
Artist:Evan Sprinkle