
Showing 289–306 of 387 results

  • Slippery Thieving


    Direct Spell
    Steal 1 building or 1 face down hidden spell.
    Artist:Evan Sprinkle

  • Small Skirmish


    Hidden Spell
    Activation Time: Spell phase 1 or 2.
    Pick an opponent. You both draw 5 warriors from your barracks. These warriors are your armies for this battle. Ignore everything from the pre-existing warriors. At the beginning of spell phase 2, you both draw 2 more warriors. The loser kills al his warriors, including the previously ignored ones.
    Artist:Evan Sprinkle

  • Smelt Together


    Direct Spell
    Pick 2 warriors level 20 or lower and place them under this card.
    They become a level 15 warrior with no clan or abilities. If this curse is removed, the 2 warriors return to normal.
    Level: 15
    Artist:Zach Raw

  • Smoking the Souls


    Direct Spell
    Pick a clan group.
    Flip a coin for each warrior in the group.
    Heads = Shuffle the warrior into your barracks.
    Tails = Shuffle the warrior into the opponent’s barracks.
    Artist:Evan Sprinkle

  • Sneaky Spell Book


    Direct Spell
    Pick a clan group. Roll a die for each warrior in that group. When you roll a 5 or 6, steal that warrior.
    Artist:Zach Sweeden

  • Soldiers’ Theater


    Hidden Spell
    Activation Time: Spell phase 1 or 2.
    Your army gains +5 for each of your warriors.
    Artist:Evan Sprinkle

  • Soul Stealer


    Direct Spell
    (N.A.) Soul Combat:
    Pick 1 warrior for single combat.
    Both warriors roll a die and add the number to their levels. Highest number wins.
    You win: kill and place the loser under this card and add his level to this warrior.
    You lose: subtract -10 from this warrior. When this blessing is discarded, all the warriors under it go to your graveyard.
    Artist:Evan Sprinkle

  • Spilled Coffee


    Direct Spell
    Curse: -15
    When this curse is discarded, shuffle it into your library.
    Artist:Evan Sprinkle

  • Spinach


    Direct Spell
    Blessing: +30
    When this blessing is discarded, shuffle it into your library.
    Artist:Evan Sprinkle

  • Squid Lord


    World Spell
    World Curse:
    Anytime a player sacrifices a warrior, all other players must also sacrifice a warrior.
    Artist:Evan Sprinkle

  • Stabby Spear


    Direct Spell
    (N.A.) Stabby Time:
    Roll a die. The number rolled is how many warriors you kill that have an equal or lower level than this warrior.
    Artist:Evan Sprinkle

  • Stacy


    Hidden Spell
    Uni-Persian, Any Clan
    Activation Time: Spell phase 1 or 2.
    Sacrifice 3 warriors and retrieve 1 other uni-persian from your library and play her.
    Level 40
    Artist:Michelle Ferguson

  • Stanky Potion


    Direct Spell
    Army Curse:
    This army can only draw warriors during their reinforcement phase.
    If this curse will be discarded, you may sacrifice 2 warriors to keep it on the table.
    Artist:Deann Stone

  • Starter Pack A


    Dragons, Alicorns, Fefguson Fortifications, Feed the Beast

  • Starter Pack B


    UniCats, Ferguson Fairies, Derpy Delong, Commander Sulla’s Army

  • Steal and Conjure


    This is a pre-constructed deck. You recieve a 40 card spell deck ready to play.  Strategy – Steal your opponents warriors and use them to conjure your own warriors. 

  • Stichety Rick


    Conjure Spell
    Realm Warrior
    Conjure: Sacrifice 3 warriors.
    (N.A.) Undead Song:
    Change 3 warriors into realm warriors.
    Level 50
    Artist:Evan Sprinkle

  • Stolen Hearts


    World Spell
    World Curse:
    Continuously place every warrior with a blessing or curse directly on them under this card.
    They are not dead.
    When this curse is destroyed, separate the warriors and spells that are beneath this card.
    The player with the turn token deals the warriors and spells out separately.
    The blessings and curses go into the players’ spell logs.
    Artist:Evan Sprinkle