Spell Cards

Showing 19–36 of 251 results

  • Blue Moon


    Direct Spell
    Prep Phase:
    Steal 2 warriors.
    They are part of your army, but place them on this card. These warriors are in a clan group of their own. They do not die when you lose a battle.
    After you reach 6 warriors on this card, place 2 of these warriors on their original owners’ barracks during your prep phase. Do this until you have no more warriors left on this building, then start stealing warriors again.
    Artist:Brandon Wood

  • Bomb Tosser


    Direct Spell
    Add up all your warriors level 15 and higher. The sum is the combo damage you can do.
    Artist:Evan Sprinkle

  • Bored Troll


    Direct Spell
    Pick a clan group. Roll a die:
    1, 2: Kill 1 warrior in the group level 20 or lower.
    3, 4: Kill 2 warriors in the group level 15 or lower.
    5, 6: Kill 3 warriors in the group level 10 or lower.
    Artist:Deann Stone

  • Bribe Trainees


    Direct Spell
    Pick an opponent and steal 3 warriors from the top of his barracks.
    Shuffle them into your barracks.
    Artist:Evan Sprinkle

  • Broken Finger Nail


    Direct Spell
    Curse: -10
    When this curse is discarded, shuffle it into your library.
    Artist:Evan Sprinkle

  • Burning Power


    Direct Spell
    Count the number of warriors in your army. Multiply the total by 5. Add the product to your army for this battle only.
    Artist:Evan Sprinkle

  • Call for Backup


    Direct Spell
    Sacrifice 1 warrior and draw 3 warriors from your barracks.
    Artist:Evan Sprinkle

  • Calling Friends


    Direct Spell
    Draw 2 warriors from your barracks.
    Artist:Evan Sprinkle

  • Cat Clan Totems


    Direct Spell
    Prep Phase:
    Roll a die:
    1, 6: You draw 1 warrior from your barracks.
    2, 3, 4, 5: Pick an army. One member from each clan group in that army dies.
    The army’s owner picks which warriors die.
    Artist:Evan Sprinkle

  • Chain the Doors


    World Spell
    World Curse:
    When this card is played, take all hidden spells on the table and place them under Chain the Doors.
    (Do not take anymore hidden spells after this card is first played.)
    When Chain the Doors is destroyed, return them to where they were before this card was played.
    Artist:Zach Raw

  • Chameleon of Luck


    Hidden Spell
    Activation Time: You just lost a battle.
    Pick 6 of your warriors that are going to the graveyard and shuffle them into your barracks.
    Artist:Michelle Ferguson

  • Chaos Storm


    World Spell
    The player with the turn token shuffles all warriors on the table together and deals them out to each player. Discard any blessings or curses directly on a warrior. Clan blessings and clan curses are kept and placed where the original owner chooses after all clan groups have been made.
    Artist:Zach Raw

  • Charlie


    Hidden Spell
    Uni-Pug, Any Clan
    Activation Time: Spell phase 1 or 2.
    Sacrifice 3 warriors and retrieve 1 other uni-pug from your library and play him.
    Level 40
    Artist:Michelle Ferguson

  • Chastain the Weird


    Conjure Spell
    Any Clan
    Conjure: Sacrifice 3 warriors and place them under this card.
    Three Lives:
    When this warrior dies, you can make a warrior under this card die instead.
    Level 50
    Artist:Evan Sprinkle

  • Choazz


    World Spell
    World Blessing:
    Any time a player draws from the barracks or graveyard, all the other players do the same. This does not happen during the reinforcement phase.
    Artist:Evan Sprinkle

  • Clan Drama


    Direct Spell
    Clan Curse:
    This clan group can not gain the clan bonus.
    If this curse is discarded, you can sacrifice 2 warriors to keep it on the table and place it on another clan group. (If it was discarded during the conclusion phase, you can wait until the end of the reinforcemtn phase to place it again.)
    Artist:Deann Stone

  • Clan Warfare


    Direct Spell
    Pick one of your clan groups and one of your opponent’s. Each warrior in these two groups dice battle, from the highest to the lowest, until the smaller group has no more warriors to battle.
    Whichever warrior loses the dice roll dies.
    Artist:Deann Stone

  • Cleanse


    World Spell
    Discard all types of blessings and curses on the table.
    Artist:Zach Raw